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Category image taken by 2021 Winner Fabio Mirulla

Black & White photography compels us to use our imagination, we can each imagine our own colour palette of the scene and depict it that way in our own minds. Knowing how to create a black and white image with great tonal range is an important and hard skill to master. Are you the master this year?

Do I have to enter my Black & White photos in this category or can I enter them in any category?

You can enter them in ANY category, you don’t have to enter them in the B&W category.

Can I enter a split toned / sepia image into the Black and White category?

Good question. Yes, you can. Some B&W’s lend themselves to an undertone of warmth, a hint of tint, so if you feel that adding some warmth to the highlights go for it. Just no selective colouring the roses ok!

Can I enter a Black and White shot that I took using a film camera, not a digital camera?

Yes you sure can. Many of our judges have years of experience shooting / developing / scanning film, so it’s likely they’ll be able to pick the film shots, but you’re also welcome to add a note in the comments section of your entry to this effect.

If you have a question not covered here, please visit Frequently Asked Questions.